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About Lord Kat...


Lord Kat is by definition a renaissance man.  His early studies at university were mostly focused on space science and astronomy but his interests quickly shifted broadly to the arts, travel and theater.  By age 23, he inherited one of America's oldest companies, a sail making firm established in 1834 and is still president today.  His other careers to date  include... photographer for Life magazine, network engineer for a multinational firm, design engineer for a major automobile company.  More recently he has had staring roles in "Speakeasy Dollhouse, the Blooding beginning", "The Brother's Booth" (both worked with Silent James).  Also "Ziegfeld's Midnight Frolic" at the Liberty Theatre in Times Square as Ziegfeld.   Beginning October 2018, he will be staring in Cynthia von Buhler's "The Girl Who Handcuffed Houdini" as Sir Arthur Conan Doyal.  He also is a model for a comic book series, "Minky Woodcock, The Girl Who Handcuffed Houdini".  But all this doesn't tell us about his true passion...  Travel.  He has traveled to over 50 countries with an average stay in each country of 3 weeks.  He doesn't travel fast.  He stays put, meets people and gets the true flavor that each county has to offer.  For him, travel is more about the people and less about the sights.  It's his alternative view of travel that gave him the desire to created this travel book series.




About Silent James...


Silent James' live illustration and picture-stories have gained him a worldwide cult following. Many suspect his name originates from his own quietness, but it is actually from his love of silent film. His artwork occurs in an asymmetrical 1920's / modern world coloured by extraordinary characters. He has published 2 children’s books via kickstarter, and his illustrated memoir “Secrets of Silent James” is available on Amazon. Mr. James became notorious for dapper garb, as he successfully took his character skills to the theatre, starring alongside Lord Kat in "Speakeasy Dollhouse”. After 3 decades living in New York, he happily relocated to San Francisco. He works as a live illustrator for events, his site is  and he is @SilentJamesLive on social.


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